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Coming up in February at The Family and Child Support Center

19 January, 2023

Monthly Socials


The Family and Child Support Center will host a Monthly Family Social session on the last Saturday of every month. The next family social session will take place on Saturday, Jan 28 at 10:00 a.m. No registration needed. We hope to see you there.

The parent committee at the FCSC have planned for 2 activities for children and young people to try at each monthly social. Lined up in January, we have a music session and a yoga/mindfulness session planned. We have designed these sessions so that children and young people can try both sessions. These sessions will run from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and then 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

Nimisha Rajawat is an internationally certified yoga and mindfulness teacher delivering a range of techniques in yoga and mindfulness. She will offer a session that will include a range of skills including mindful meditation, breathing workshops and yoga movement for children and young people.

Chad Vietti is a musician that specializes in teaching and playing the guitar. He began his teaching career through the nonprofit foundation, Lead Guitar, where he led guitar ensembles and taught individual lessons to primary school children. He has made teaching, playing, and now even building guitars in his workshop at KAUST his life’s passion.


Why Can’t We Just Be Happy Forever Workshop

By: Zahra A. AlNafaily, MFT


The Family and Child Support Center is excited to announce a one-off workshop called “Why Cannot We Just Be Happy - Forever?” devised by Zahra A. AlNafaily. Zahra has an extensive counseling experience working with both local and international clients. She holds a bachelor’s degree of psychology from Portland State University and a master's degree in Marriage and Family counseling from Lewis and Clark University.

Key topics covered:

  • Gain deep insights on the impact of misconceptions of happiness within ourselves, relationships, and work.
  • Learn concrete steps to live true happiness and have a meaningful and fulfilling life
  • How to deal with any inner struggles including thoughts and feelings in an effective and scientific way
  • How to be present in the ‘here and now’ to enjoy your moment to the fullest.
  • How to explore your values and choose your behaviors based on them. 


Program:                    Why Can’t We Just Be Happy - Forever?

Audience:                   Interested members in the community

Facilitators:               Zahra A. AlNafaily, MFT

Time and Venue:      Three hours session on Saturday. February 4, 2023, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. in room K117 at the FCSC

Total Cost:                 320 SAR per person.

Objectives:                 Offering people in the community, a positive program that focuses on mental health and wellbeing.

To register your interest in this program, please complete the following form:


Why Can’t We Just Be Happy Forever Workshop registration



Self-care workshop

By: Ayesha Kapadia


The Family and Child Support Center is excited to announce a 3 session Makeup workshop by Ayesha Kapadia, a professional makeup artist.

Two workshops will be offered, one for parents/adults and the other aimed at young people aged between 12 to 18 years old.

The workshop will include basic education around skin care, prep & prime, application of daily makeup techniques, enhancing individual features along with transforming daytime makeup into nighttime glam, followed by a Q&A session.

Women only Workshop

  • Program: Self Care Workshop
  • Audience: Women only in the KAUST community
  • Facilitators: Ayesha Kapadia
  • Time and venue: 3 sessions in total delivered once a week over a 3 week program on Mondays, starting February 6, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in room K117 at the Family and Child Support Center
  • Places: Maximum of 15 people. People are encouraged to bring their own skincare and make-up products to get the best use out of them. Ayesha will also have products available to try.
  • Cost: 105 SAR for the full program

To register your interest, please complete the form


Self-care Workshop for women registration link


Young People’s Workshop

  • Program: Self Care Workshop 
  • Audience: Young people aged 12 – 18 years
  • Facilitators: Ayesha Kapadia
  • Time and venue: 3 sessions in total delivered once a week over a 3 weeks program on Mondays, starting Feb 6, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. in room K117 at the Family and Child Support Center
  • Places: Maximum of 15 young people
  • Cost: 105 SAR for the full program

To register your interest, please complete the form


Self-care young people's workshop registration link


If you have any specific questions, please reach out directly to the FCSC:  


Kind regards,

The FCSC Team