Sun-Thurs: 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency: 24/7

Call us: 012 808 0940   Emergency: 012 808 4444

​Traveled to Qatif?

12 March, 2020

​Have you traveled to or through Qatif since March 8?

If yes:

If you live at KAUST: You and your housemates (family, roommates, domestic helpers, visitors, etc) must return to your home immediately and call KAUST Health at 012-808-4444 for instructions.

If you live outside KAUST: You must immediately leave campus, and according to Saudi Government regulation, quarantine at your home, along with all family, roommates, domestic helpers, visitors, etc).

Your quarantine period will last until you have been out of the listed area for over 14 days.

We will support you

We recognize quarantine can cause a significant impact on your work and family. Provisions are in place to support you.

More information

More information on the KAUST response to COVID-19 is available at

Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.